Friday, January 11, 2008

Other 2007 highlights

Other highlights in 2007 included completing the NYC marathon with 35,000 of my closest friends in November. I had my hair dyed blond for the event and think I ran a pretty good race:

OK, so I'll admit that's not really me - I would have a hard time imitating Paula Radcliffe's accent anyways. Here's the real deal:

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

BDB 2007

Did my other favorite vacation spot last summer also: Wisconsin. Was crazy enough to the best dam bikeride with my sister: 150, yes count them: 150 miles (not kilometers!) of hilly biking...

the backside survived & the event is on the agenda to be repeated in 2008!

Curley girls at concerts on the square

Hikin' and hangin'

Best of the summer was hiking & hanging around with the van Meeks. How dare they move to Nova Scotia???!!!

More summer 2007

Saw so many beautiful waterfalls, I don't think I need to see any more for awhile.

Did some whale watching too - extremely impressive. Saw a ton of them too...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 already

2008 already and I haven't even updated this blog since March! Well, might as well throw a hodge podge of photos in here with a bit of background for those friends & family that may be paying attention...:

Summer 2007 was wonderful - spent a couple weeks in beautiful Canada to start off with. Lucky enough to have crazy friends willing to cross half their enormous country to spend time with us. That was definitely the highlight of the whole Canadian experience:

Realized I forgot to send the proof that Molly kissed a fish, so here it is: